Bosh sahifa> Mahsulotlar> SCY Ip> 2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip
2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip
2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip
2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip
2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip
2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip
2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip
2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip
2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip

2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip

$1.25-1.5 /Kilogram

To'lov turi:L/C,T/T
Min. Buyurtma:1000 Kilogram
Mahsulot xususiyatlari

Model raqamiXT-PY-7

Material100% polyester

UslubXom, Yadro iplari

Ip TuriDTY

XarakterliYuqori dadillik, Namlikni yutuvchi

FoydalanishTrikotaj, Tikish, To'quv

Kelib ChiqishiXitoy

Paket va etkazib berish
Sotish birliklari : Kilogram
Paket turi : Ichki qadoqlash plastik sumkasi, tashqi qadoqlash karton qutisi61cm * 50 sm * 37 sm
Rasmga misol :
scy ip-ip displeyi
Poliester Taxmatlangan DTY Ip
Mahsulot tavsifi

100% ACY Ip, havo yoritilgan Spandart iplari siqilgan havo orqali bir nechta ipni birlashtirish natijasida ishlab chiqariladi.
Biz harakatchan ip ishlab chiqaramiz, akril ip, dk turli xil rangdagi akrylic ip ishlab chiqaramiz.

Professional Yarn Factory Spandex Covered Nylon Yarn With Best Price
Name Nylon SCY Polyester SCY
Main Specification 2012/5F,2012/7F,2020/7F, 20150/36F,20150/48F
2030/12F,2030/24F, 2020/24F,2020/36F,
2040/12F,2040/24F,2040/36F, 2030/24F,2030/36F,2030/48F,
2050/24F,2070/24F,2070/36F,2070/68F, 2050/24F,2050/36F,
3070/24F,3070/36F,3070/68F, 2075/36F,2075/48F,2075/72F
4070/24F,4070/36F,4070/68F,etc 3075/36F,3075/48F,3075/72F
More Specification can be customized
Type: Nylon Mechanical(Single)Covered Yarn Polyester Mechanical(Single)Covered Yarn
Material: Spandex Yarn+Nylon 6 Yarn Spandex Yarn+Polyester Yarn
(Nylon 66 Yarn can be accepted)
Color: Raw White,Dopw Dyed Black,Multi color(Any color is possible)
Twist: 300-1200 tpm
Luster: Semi-dull,Full-dull
OEM&ODM: Accept

Custom colors 2075/3075/4075 Raw white ACY/SCY polyester covered spandex yarnCustom colors 2075/3075/4075 Raw white ACY/SCY polyester covered spandex yarnCustom colors 2075/3075/4075 Raw white ACY/SCY polyester covered spandex yarnCustom colors 2075/3075/4075 Raw white ACY/SCY polyester covered spandex yarnCustom colors 2075/3075/4075 Raw white ACY/SCY polyester covered spandex yarnCustom colors 2075/3075/4075 Raw white ACY/SCY polyester covered spandex yarn
Bosh sahifa> Mahsulotlar> SCY Ip> 2075/3075/4075 Custom / Scy Poliester sholpidi Spandex Ip
So'rov yuborish

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Maxfiylik bayonnomasi: Sizning shaxsiy hayotingiz biz uchun juda muhim. Bizning kompaniyamiz sizning shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni aniq ruxsatlaringiz bilan ekspluatatsiya qilishni taklif qilmaslikni va'da qiladi.
